Friday, May 23, 2008
HOMECROFT Eagle Puppets
Students painting the large eagle puppet . . . .
Painting an individual eagle hat. . .
CHAT residency with Malia Burkhart
In a residency session two teens at the Center for Hmong Arts and Talent (CHAT) wear their newly-completed puppet-heads for their giant puppets. . .
Monday, May 19, 2008
Stilting - Hancock Rec. Center
Their first time up. . . clinging onto the tree. . .
Slowly they began to walk. . . .
The foundation of participation and art-creation for this Parade is in community organizations. Ordway Center has partnered with Community and Recreation Centers across Saint Paul to offer artist residencies in after-school programs.
Stating in April and culminating on May 31—there are more than 90 artist sessions for the ARTmoves Parade. The residency participants will also be joined by community artists, family members, and other organizations for the ARTmoves Parade. It is truly a backyard, community parade.
Twin Cities Artists leading community projects:
Tou Cha at Hallie Q. Brown/MLK Center is creating insect puppets.
Joe Iverson at Spencer House is working on the theme RECIPE FOR HAPPINESS.
Gita Ghei at West 7th Community Center is shaping a multi-cultural paper Mache earth globe with copper continents, along with orbiting stars and planets.
Gustavo Boada at Merrick Community Center is creating parade puppets.
Mary Plaster at Homecroft Elementary School is molding soaring eagle puppets.
Malia Burkhart at The Center for Hmong Arts and Talent is fashioning larger than life puppets wearing traditional Hmong clothing.
Mark Safford at Hancock Recreation Center is teaching 5th and 6th graders how to construct stilts, and how to dance or perhaps even play sports–on stilts.
Barb Buch at North Dale Recreation Center is creating horse and unicorn bikes with heads and tails that move.
Julian McFaul at Duluth and Case Recreation Center is creating a giant beast from cardboard.
Chris Lutter at Conway Recreation Center is working with young kids to make a large, eye popping tortoise out of umbrellas.
Dudley Voigt at Neighborhood House, is working with teens to create aerosol fashioned clothing.
Estela De Paola de Lerma at Folwell Middle School is working with special needs students of various abilities to create large West Africa Adinkra symbols. This Parade residency is a follow up to a dance and movement residency with Festival artist Sidiki Conde of Tokounou.